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Women & Language

A peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scholarly articles and creative work

covering all aspects of communication, language, and gender

Explore our current issue...

Volume 47, Issue 2
Fall 2024

with Articles on...

Sexism in Latinx gender roles, rhetorical resistance, gendered framing of wartime narratives, opting out, and women performing in drag. 

a Forum featuring...

Autoethnography as Method

and Book Reviews of...

The Case for Single Motherhood: Contemporary Maternal Identities and Family Formations by Katherine E. Mack 


Mean Girl Feminism: How White Feminists Gaslight, Gatekeep and Girlboss by Kim Hong Nguyen 


Not Alone. LGB Teachers Organizations From 1970 to 1985 by Jason Mayernick 


Twelve Feminist Lessons of War by Cynthia Enloe 

Women & Language embraces the scholarly freedoms of a computer-mediated and digitally-enabled world by publishing scholarly and creative work that may not be possible to disseminate through traditional print journals.
Submit to W&L

Contributions may be empirical, rhetorical-critical, interpretive, theoretical, and/or artistic. We invite submissions from scholars, students, activists, and practitioners at any stage of their careers and all appropriate research methodologies are welcome. Please direct all inquiries about the process to Editor, Siobhan E. Smith-Jones, at  

Subscribe to W&L

W&L publishes two issues per year, and subscriptions start at $25. 

The W&L Team




Shauna M. MacDonald
Cape Breton University

Editorial Assistant

Elyssa Q. Smith
University of Louisville


Shauna M. MacDonald, PhD
Editor, Women & Language

Department of Communication & Languages

Cape Breton University

1250 Grand Lake Road

Sydney, Nova Scotia

B1M 1A2


Women & Language is published by the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Cape Breton University (Nova Scotia, Canada) and housed in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Louisville. It is affiliated with the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG). For more about OSCLG, visit

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