Women & Language
A peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scholarly articles and creative work
covering all aspects of communication, language, and gender
Explore our current issue...
Volume 47, Issue 1
Spring 2024
with Articles on...
Obstetric violence, reproductive health communication, mental health in academia, and advice as a site of gendering.
Creative work exploring...
Infertility and loss.
a Forum centering the experiences of...
Black women full professors.
and Book Reviews of...
Queer Democracy: Desire, Dysphoria, and the Body Politic by Daniel D. Miller
Gender: Two Novellas in Verse by Anne Harding Woodworth
Political Affairs of the Heart: Female Travel Writers, the Sentimental Travelogue, and Revolution, 1775-1800 by Linda Van Netten Blimke
Badass Feminist Politics: Exploring Radical Edges of Feminist Theory, Communication, and Activism edited by Sarah Jane Blithe and Janelle C. Bauer
And a Memorial Celebrating the life of...
MJ Hardman.
Submit to W&L
Contributions may be empirical, rhetorical-critical, interpretive, theoretical, and/or artistic. We invite submissions from scholars, students, activists, and practitioners at any stage of their careers and all appropriate research methodologies are welcome. Please direct all inquiries about the process to Editor, Siobhan E. Smith-Jones, at editorwomenandlanguage@gmail.com.