W&L Online
Nasty (Wo)manifestos:
Remixing Feminisms for Social Change
Volume 40, Issue 2
Spring 2018
Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue
Bernardo Alexander Attias, California State University, Northridge
Jeanine Marie Mingé, California State University, Northridge
tech/trans/fem: feminism is.
[artists statement :: video]
Lyndsay Michalik Gratch, Georgia Gwinnet College
with Lyndsay Michalik Gratch, Rosa Avila, Kinsey Denney, K.J. Edwards, Eliza Levinson,
Anna Marsden, Jacquelyn Paige Paschal, and Julie Thompson
My Mother’s Daughter, My Sons’ Mother
[artist statement :: poem :: video]
Julie-Ann Scott, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
[artist statement :: multimedia installation]
Cristina Hanganu-Bresch, University of the Sciences
Michelle and Donald
[artist statement :: video mashup]
Ariel Alexander, Saddleback College
Transgressively tWERQing
[artists statement :: performative essay]
Terra Rasmussen Lenox, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Megan Orcholski, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Nasty Women Join the Hive
[artists statement :: video :: transcript]
Sandra L. Faulkner, Bowling Green State University
Sheila Squillante, Chatham University
Threaded Voices Election Night
[artists statement :: multimedia poem]
Maureen Ebben, University of Southern Maine
Elizabeth Bull, University of Southern Maine
Rape Trial Poem / Love is All Around
Judy Battaglia, Loyola Marymount University
Elizabeth Megrabyan, Media Strategist
Rape Trial Poem
[sound poem :: transcript]
Judy Battaglia, Loyola Marymount University
Love is All Around
Judy Battaglia, Loyola Marymount University
(45) (Mad. Libs. Multiple. Choice.)
[artist statement :: mad lib]
Amy Burt, Georgia College
Panoptomically Incorrect
[artist statement :: video :: transcript]
Stephanie Negriff, California State University, Northridge
Frontline Fighter
[artist statement :: sound poem :: transcript]
Johanna Falzone, Artist
Ab Homine: Notes on the Abominable
tobias c. van Veen, California State University, Northridge
[sound poem & photography :: transcript]
ZiggZaggerZ the Bastard, a.k.a. Shannon Theus, Performance Poet
tobias c. van Veen, California State University, Northridge & Photographer
If We All Rose
[artist statement :: performative essay]
Reema Zaman, Writer, Artist, Actor, Speaker